martes, 16 de octubre de 2012


Do you really think that youth is the most important period of our lives?

Actually young people like and want to ejoy live but in their way. We have a complitely different way to see the world than old people. We think that everything is going to end next day and we feel like what we have it's never enough. Young people say that they would like to be older and old people say the contrary. 

Like most of the things, being young has advantages and drawbacks.

Being young is good because you life live, you do things you like, you have boyfriends or girlfriends, you hang out with your friends, you make mistakes to learn about what's right or wrong and about what you need or not. Also you experience what will be useful for when you are older. But then, young people say that they would like to be older to have their lives settled down and in the case of woman to have children and get married. 

In contrast old people have already experienced live. They have already chosed which  way of living they want. They can always teach others and give advices. 
(I can't really say anything about them because I don't know how it feels, haha!) 
However imagine that an old person refusses his live because he or she has done a big mistake earlier. That is the big drawback from being old. You can never go back in time, in a certain way you have to be careful in your way of acting. 

In short, enjoy every single moment of your live and make sure that you are doing what you want. Every period in live it's important. And don't let yourself down if you make a mistake, you have to carry on!!! Try to fill your live with loads of different experiences to guide yourself what kind of live you would like when you are older.