viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013


The police have arrested four young men for being guilty of a robbery (in our school).

Two of them were minor, one was still studing in the school and the other one was a previous student. 

Between the days 14 and 15 of February, the "Mossos" have arrested two of them, both of them were from Marroco and they were 20 years old.

The 4th of February they stole many laptops form the INS Castelló d'Empúries.They knew very well the school because they entered by the emergency door and they forced the locker where we keep them. This, made the police think that probably the thiefs were students or students who had been there before.

The 13th of February, the police identify a young men that had a similar laptop as the ones that were stolen. The day after they confirmed that the laptop was from the robbery. 

I believe that it is a very disappointing new because the laptops were very useful and they have forbidden us to use the other laptops that were left. 

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