lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012


Our world since its begining has been growing and evolving itself, but nowadays, human beings won't find a way to stop it. And it has got to stop, I mean that we are evolving and going forwards with science and tecnology, but at the same time as we develop our knowledge we are destroying the world. 

Do you really think that we have almost learnt to respect our world? I don't think so...
We will have learnt to respect our world when we stop abusing the trees in natural forests.
We will have learnt to respect our world when we stop throwing waste into the sea or rivers and when we stop wasting water.
We will have learnt to respect our world when we stop killing animals unnecessarily and abandoning them.
We will have learnt to respect our world when the rich countries stop taking benefits from the poor ones. 
We will have learnt to respect our world when we learn to help people and not only care about money. 
We will have learnt to respect our world when we stop destroying and killing the richness that the world has given to us.

However, if we all want to finish with this, we can do it. I'm sure that we can find solutions and good ways to help eachother in order to control pollution. Goverments should care about this and not about "la zona blava". They should find the money to fund our aims on those topics.

Finally I must say that I feel disappointed when I see how some people treat nature. We should protect and take responsibility of our planet. 
We have to act !

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012


Anna had a very special reason for getting up early the next day, so she set the alarm for 5a.m. Her dream could become true. When she woke up she went down stairs being very silent. Then she prepared breakfast and went to her bedroom to get ready. She put on a tracksuit, she prepared her bag with the material she needed and she did her hair. She seemed very calm and relaxed. However, she was both nervous and stressed.

She set off without saying anything to anybody, she had to concentrate so she put on her earphones to disconnect from this world. When she arrived to the place her heart was beating as fast as it could.

A young lady told her to wait intil the master would call her. The room was full of dancers like her. while she was waiting she deided to warm herself up to be ready for the access testing. At last she got called..

..A week later when someone was ringing, Anna's mum started to cry with happiness. Anna heard her and she wondered what was all this noise. When she got the news she nearly had a heart attack. She had got in the national ballet school! 


The term health food is used to describe food that is considered beneficial to our bodies, in orther to obtain all the nutrients necessaries to maintain health.

We have the healthiest diet in the planet. Our diet, called Mediterranian diet, consists of: 
A high consumption of vegetables products such as fruit, vegetables, legumes and dry nuts.
We also have a high consuption of bread and other cereals which their bases is wheat. As a main fat we use the olive oil. Like you know we are next to the coast so that provides us a wide selection of fish and sellfish. Finally we eat a big amount of meat becoming from cows, pigs, sheeps and chiken, but nowadays people are becoming more and more vegetarian. 

I compared our diet with the American one. At the present time, people in the USA basicly eat fast or precooked food without caring about their bodies. Having a diet which only consists on carbohydrates and proteins leads to awful problems. The most important ones are obesity, cardiovascular problems ans a decrease in life expectancy.
However, they usually have a good taste, they are cheap, they can be eaten in a few minutes, you don't have to whash dishes and you can eat it anywhere, even standing.
The base of those diets are chips, hamburgers, sausage, nuggets, .. breaded and fried food. 

As a conclution, to have a healthy life you must eat a little bit of everything and do not forget to practice exercice regulary. You can always eat a bit of unhealthy food if you feel like it but with self control. As well, a great amount of water should be drank everyday.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

JULY 2O11, a day on the beach

It was 11 o'clock in the morning and my firends and I decided to go to the beach the day before. It was Saturday and Empuriabrava was crowded with people. We had to go walking to the bus stop. We thought that  the bus was coming at 12'15, but as the time passed, eventually we realized that there wasn't a bus, so we waited and waited burning ourselves under the sun, until finally a bus came.

We stopped and got off in Rosas, Sisplau. We were satarving when we took a sit beside the beach and ate lunch. After this, we met two more friends and walked to ALmadrava. We had to walk for an hour and a quarter! 

When we arrived we were dead tired and it was absolutely roasting. We stayed for a couple of relaxing hours. One of us had an idea: go jumpring from the rocks to the sea. So we packed up everything and went off again to jump and take pictures. I really was enjoying my day.
I didn't want it to finish but it was getting dark so we took another bus to go home.We all ended up without energy and I will remember this day with a big smile. 

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


Do you think that you have to spend a lot of money on fashion to look good? My answer to this question is no. 
Now a days you can find plenty of dhops cheaper than you can imagine. Of course there are always the brands that have been always fashionable and expensive, but I have to say that a lot of models dress up without brand clothes. However, the clothes aren't expensive like Bershka, Pimkie, Stradivarius... they are very known and their quality is acceptable.

You can look good even wearing simple clothes. For example, in my case I absolutely admire fashion but I don't like to spend my own money. It's not that hard to find cheap shops around here .All my friends tell me that I'm a genious with our fashion world, and my opinion is: you can always look good withot spending a lot of money.