domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012


The other day I was watching TV, something very strange for me because I never watch it. Suddently I heard somehing very interesting and I payed attention.

It was a report about pigeons and their great importance in wars because they had a real success in communication when they had to send a message.

Once a man was reforming a house and in the fireplace he found a dead pigeon with more than 70 years and it had a note along its leg with an indeciphrable message. And that has not yet been decipher.

This new made me curious because many pidgeons should have never reached their destination and could have changed history.
But it's really interesting how they came to train a pigeon to carry important messages. Today pigeons as an animal is considered "dirty" because it carries many diseases, but it should be more recognized for the great work that they had done earlier.

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