domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012


I recognize that I'm a facebook addict and the other day I found a new that  really shocked me. This new has been inside my head for days now. 

Letter from a daughter: I went to a party and I remembered what you told me. You asked me to not drink alcohol. Accordingly with this I drunk a Sprite. I felt proud of myself. You told me that I didn't have to drink and drive at the same time just like some friends told me I has to do.

When the party was finished, the people started to drive being drunk. But I went straight to my car and I knew that I would return in peace. "I didn't know what was waiting for me mum"

Now I'm lying on the road and I hear a police saying " the guy that caused the accident was drunk". "Mum, his voice seems so far away"."My blood is all around me and I'm trying with all my strength of not crying". I can hear how the doctors say "this girl is about to cry". I'm sure that the guy that was driving very fast decided to drink and drive at the same time and I have to die.

"Why are there people that do this things, mum?" Knowing that this will destroy many families..
The pain  I feel it's like a hundred of knives cutting me."Tell to my sister to don't cry, and to dad to be strong".
Someone should have tough him that what he was doing was wrong. Maybe if their parents should have told him I wouldn't be dying now. My breathe is getting worst. "Mum these are my lasts moments and I'm desperate"."I'd like that you could hold me while I'm here on the floor".
"I'd like to tell you one last time that I love you"...."bye".

These words were written by a reporter that saw the accident. While the girl was dying she was saying these words and the journalist was writing her them.

After reading this I was very very sad... But I though ..How people can be so unconscious and irresponsible? I'm so disappointed on what happened. It should be much more controlled. We can't leave people do this horrible things.. 

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