domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Self evaluation of my oral presentation

This link is to see the video in Youtube:

To begin my oral presentation was about women stereotypes. When analyzing an oral presentation you have to set some points: 
the presentation, the content, the structure, the body language and eye contact, the language and the pronuntation.

I used the Prezi for the first time and to be honest it was a million time better than the Power Point. The structure of our oral presentation was clear and organazed. We explained it at the beggining as it showed the index. Meri started with the definition of what a stereotype is. Then I explained where did everything began with the beauty myth. I also explained the how should be the perfect woman in the planet. Before the conclusion we told the negative consequences. 
We took all the information from Internet and we translated everything to make it more understandable. We also put a lot of pictures to keep the atention of the class on them and not on us. 
My weak point as usual is the body languages; it was the first time doing an oral presentation in front of them so that made me nervious. I always study everything by heart but then I get stressed and I think I'm not saying everything I have to say and I start to read. I try to do my best and at the end of every sentence I try to look up. 
To finish up my best is the pronuntation, I have the advantage of being a person who has the facility on catching any pronuntation in any laguage. What's more as you might know I've been living for a year in Ireland and that made my accent brilliant. 

I always can improve some little things in my oral presentation and I will do my best to make the next one better :)  

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