miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014


Roses, 21ts of February
As you must know this week the party most people wait for is arriving. The town hall has organized a shocking performance opened to all teenagers from all high schools and parents. The aim of the performance was to make everyone aware of the negatives consequences alcohol or other substances can produce.
This was on during all day long d in different actuations and it took place on  Frederic Rahola's square. The town hall has created a campaing called "Per Carnaval no tot si val" (for Carnival not everything is permited) representing what could happend on a Friday night.
All studients had a big surprise when they entred and didn't hear any talk about the topics refered to Carnival, instead they saw the performance and they could experience so close the bad use of alcohol or drugs and its consequences. What's more they even showed a video of a stomach cleaning caused by  a ethylic comma.
 First of all well done for having this idea because it makes people sensitive. A lot of teenagers get to know the world of partying in Carnival because in these nights they have a lot of freedom and older people abuse of it and the other way araund. The young follow them like crazy because they hear that partying this way is the best and as a first experience is too much. Most teenagers think that the best of going out is to be drunk and take some drugs but it istn't.
Here the link of the oficial side: http://carnavalderoses.com/node/1511
Stomach cleaning
Ethylic comma

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Talking about internet..

Nowadays internet is the essential way to communicate and to be well informed. It is something used the 24th hours a day by millions of people. At the moment it isn't just about computers, technology has evolved so much.
To begin with, it is important to say that internet i essential for a lot of people because they have to work with it and the great advantage is that they can have internet anywhere they like. For example for people with disabilities and big business mens who work a lot it is easier for them to work in their houses.
Further more, you can communicate and do video calls with relatives or friends who are in the distance.
As you know lot of people get information from the internet and learn alot of new things about any topic they are interested in.
However everything has its consequences; internet is not the exception. It has negative sides as you can't trust all the information that is uploaded and some people hide their real identity. On the other hand people don't know that the devices produces harmful waves which are damaging our health. What's more we have to be aware how do we put our personal information because there are hackers and people who steal personal data.
It is a shame tat people don't know how to communicate face to face anymore because of their addiction.
To conclude, internet can be both good and bad and to be extrem in something is not always worth it. We have to try to mix both and our life will be better day after day.


lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Social Classes

Having read the book Pride and Prejudice, we can talk about a love story but we can go deeper and discover other important topics. Such as empiricism, the feminism thoughts of Lizzy and the social classes. 
I will focus my comment on the social classes that we can find in Pride and Prejudice. 

To begin the Bennet's family belongs to a medium social class. They live in the country side and the worst worry her mother has is her daughters to get married with a rich men. Secondly we have Darcy's huge mansion, Bingley's house or Lady's Katherine one. These belongs to the upper social class and we can see the difference between them. For example in the ball when the upper social class goes in the medium ones have to bow. But the book shows us that love is stronger than anything. 

Finally Lizzy gets married with Darcy even though Lady Katherine doesn't accepted it because she says that her daughter is engaged to him. Jane gets married with Bingley even though Bingley's sister doesn't like Bennet's family because she thinks that they don't have good manners.  

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014


In Ukraine a thousand of people were on the streets allover the country. They were fighting during a couple of days because they want to be free, free from a dictatorship and from the political who work only for themselves, who are ready to give violent orders like shooting, beating and injure their own residents. 
Their only pourpose is to make sure they will have money, make sure they will have the mansions they have and make sure they will save their power.
The people who are on the Street want to have dignity and they are brave. In addition they just want to have a normal life. They are civilized people but their gvernors are barbarians. 

As a conclusión this is not the Soviet Union. They ask to their courteous not to be corrupted and they want to be free. Tomorrow they might not have phones or internet conection and they will be by their own there and maybe police men will murder them. This is why we have to help them by sharing this information to anyone.

We all have freedom in our hearts and heads but we need that the people who takes control of our country gives us real freedom. We have the right to feel it.

On YouTube there is a video which shows exacly what I explained: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnq2kHnt_WA&sns=fb




My future

I'm in a very important moment of my life, in four months I will be decieding what to study in my future.
Last year I repeated but I don't regreted at all because this year my marks are a lot better and I'm so proud of me. 

My very first choise is to leave the country. I want to go abroad to study because I don't like it here. My aim about going to study abroad is to speak English like a native person. Of course I want to learn more languages such as Russian, Chinese and Dutch. I know that if I go to an international Univeristy I will meet people from all over the world and I love it because I can learn about different cultures and other ways of living. A couple of days ago I send my first request to The Hague University from Holand, it is an international University and they do all the classes in English. I had registred to do International Business and Managment Studies. I'm still waiting for their answer and I'm both exited and nervous. I would be greatful if they took me. What's more I have a well known friend there from Ireland so it would be amazing to meet him again there! The second place where I have made the request is London in another International University. They have asked me to pick a day that suits me to call them and talk about it.   

I'm not scared at all of going away from home because I already had this experience before and I had the best year of my life. I hope to be chosen in at least one of these two options. If not it isn't a big deal I can start my degree here and then go abroad. There are a lot of options.  

Talking about parking places.

(The newspaper has made a proposal for the people of the town asking what kind of parking should be better.. an underground parking or a parking outside town)

I am writing to you about the alternative proposal of the car park which I think is a brilliant idea and thank you to asking about public opinion.

It is obvious that we have narrow streets with too many cars. Every morning it takes half an hour to park the car and there are queues everywhere, it is frustating. What's more, all this creates pollution with smokes and the horrible noise of the horns.

The two options you have made are good but I can see more advantages to the second option. Let me explain why. First of all if we are talking about pollution, the car park outside the city center would affect the area and the residents. Secondly the bus service is a great idea but will there be a 24 hour service? In addition, on days with a bad weather, people won't be confortable waiting for the bus, adding people who only want to stay for a very short time. If it is an underground car park, it won't take space on the surface so it could be used for other things.

On the other hand it could be interesting for people to have out side town because cars won't be making queues and constructions won't be at the middle of the city center which would be very stressful, although it would be for only a couple of months.

Overall, I would go for the underground car park because as there are more advantages. We have to find a solution with few pollution consequences. What about promoting more electrical cars and cheap parking or free parking for residents? 

Looking forward to hear your answer!!