sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014


In Ukraine a thousand of people were on the streets allover the country. They were fighting during a couple of days because they want to be free, free from a dictatorship and from the political who work only for themselves, who are ready to give violent orders like shooting, beating and injure their own residents. 
Their only pourpose is to make sure they will have money, make sure they will have the mansions they have and make sure they will save their power.
The people who are on the Street want to have dignity and they are brave. In addition they just want to have a normal life. They are civilized people but their gvernors are barbarians. 

As a conclusión this is not the Soviet Union. They ask to their courteous not to be corrupted and they want to be free. Tomorrow they might not have phones or internet conection and they will be by their own there and maybe police men will murder them. This is why we have to help them by sharing this information to anyone.

We all have freedom in our hearts and heads but we need that the people who takes control of our country gives us real freedom. We have the right to feel it.

On YouTube there is a video which shows exacly what I explained: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnq2kHnt_WA&sns=fb




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