sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Using Botox

In Hollywood most actresses use botox to improve their physical appearance, or what's more they test cosmetic surgery until they become slaves of social aesthetic.
It might be an empty mind the one that only cares about physical body care. I can understand that it is very difficult to be one of the most beautiful actresses and being choosen by importnat directors in successful films.

Although the most intelligent option would be choosing a healthy life with sport, food and pure oxygen and being good at what you love. In this case: acting.

On one hand we must accept that time runs and that wrinkles are the proof of wisdom, and on the other hand society and fashion patterns press us, women, to keep as young as possible.
What I really think is that the true beauty is inside, in your personality and character. People, womenmust believe in what they are, not in what they look alike. 

I would like in this short article to critisize the Princess Letizia for being so pretencious and arrogant in the fact of looking for physical appearence perfection. She's been offensive in my opinion for the use of surgery to improve her image. Sh'es been choosen by a prince with her genuine image...so, what else can she expect from her new image?

To end I want to say that simplicity is  a very important quality of beautiful women. It's a kind mixture of qualities, is what you are.

If you are keen on the article you can read more about it in:



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