sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

KEYSTONE: The big bomb of carbon

Nowadays the president of the United States of America is going to take part in an important enviromental decission which is going to say a lot of his post. He is going to approve or deny the construction of a giant pipe to carry 830.000 barrels, (160 litres each barrel aproximateley) of the most dirty petrol of the world, from Canada to The USA. 

This project is going to help earning millions of dollars to a few compannies while it is going to send out millions of tones of carbone dioxide to our atmosphere on the other hand.
If we protest against it we can stop this toxic plan.

John Kerry the responsible of exterior relationships in the USA has oppened a popular referendum.He knows that his decission is very important for the United States to demostrate that it is ahead of the fighting against the climate changing process.
In my opinion we could join our voices to protest against this polluting plan.

To the President of the United States, Barak Obama, and to the Secretary of the States,John Kerry:
"We, critizens of the world, feel strongly motivated when Secretary Kerry said that the enviromental destruction was the most powerful weapon against the world and he engaged the fight against it from the USA. It depends on his decission the success of his position of lidership to protect our planet. The world is asking him to act now"

You can read more about it in:


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