domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Work experience

The work experience is an important part of the transition year. Transition year was called the course I did when I was in Ireland. Irish people consider that trasition year is a year to know more about yourself. If teachers saw you interested in learning and participating in activities they would let you do all of them. For example on Wednesdays I used to go horse riding with disabled children. I also did yoga, first aid and personal protection. It's been the best year so far. I learned so much things and I also took part in the choir what's more in the tennis team. However, it always would rain so we hardly had a chance to play.
All this made me grow as a person and I met loads of other students from other schools too.

In addition, transition year oblige all studients to take minimum two weeks of the year course and work in something we liked. A friend of mine went for three months to Australia. As I didn't have any contact with people outside from school a part for my family I couldn't choose my work. I asked my parents to go back to Spain but they said I must profit the maximum my time there. I'm so glad I stayed.  My supervisor decided to put me in a primary school of children with desabilities. Most people must thing it's very boring or not nice. : that must be so boring,.. and I also did, I didn't like the idea but after two weeks working there my mind absolutely changed. All I can remember are good memories there. 
I was so scared the first day. They assigned me a particular classroom. There were three teachers for class. The classroom where I was there were children from 6 to 11 years old because they organized them according to their desability and their dependence of an adult. They had a timetable and they did Maths, English, Art, Music, Gymnastics.
We also did loads of activities together like playing football, we went to the swimming pool and I use to read them farytales. I tried to give them all my love and tender. I'd never think they would be so intelligent, sensitive, sweet and kind as they were. I remember them so well. 
However, as all good things there was the bad part. I wasn't told the illness of all children so there were children that looked fisically as healthy one. One day we were at the playing game room and a girl had a epileptic attack. It was kind of shocking but immediately one of the teachers came to talk to me.

I learnd many things about them, the class where I stayed was unreal. I wish I could see them again. It was such a good and nice experience. The last day I brought them candies with the permition of the teachers and I cried a little. 

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