domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


This man is the boss executive of Google, he wants to stop the piracy in Internet with Larry Page and Sergei Brin. 
Eric said in an interview that he agreed with the law 'SOPA' (Stop Online Piracy Act). He said that is uncredible tha way people still information from Internet or how people hang stuff up and then they make a lot of money. 
He remarked that people that do this should be punished. 
Eric also said that for the security of the youngest ones searching information in Internet, he advised that the parents should known the password which they use. 
I agree to this option because it's true that sometimes when you're searching something in Internet you find pages you never wanted to see and for the security of the youngests ones even more, it's very difficult surfing in Internet without finding stupid pages. 

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