domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


After doing five oral presentation I still get nervous in front of the class. This time I didn't read like I did sometimes because I knew really well what I was talking about. 
You can hear that I say a million times the word "well", it also happens to me when I do catalan or spanish oral presentations with the word "bueno". I considere it's one of the best ones I have ever done so I've to say that I am really happy about it. 



As you must know, in Empuriabrava, my town, they have built one of the most important wind tunnel called the Windoor. My aunt works there and for my birthday she gave me a ticket to go there with my cousin. 

The second of January I  went to "fly" with her. First of all they explained us how it was going to be inside and all the things we could and couldn't do. They told us that we weren't going to hear anything inside so we had to learn some signs. Then we went to a huge room where they gave us the right equipmnet to wear. We had to leave all the valuables things in a looker. Finally we went to the room before entring to the tunel and they gave us a helmet and earplugs. 
Our instructor was so funny and he made a demostration, he was unreal! 
I went after my cousin and what is better than the feeling of flying? It was amazing! 
Everyone had two goes. When we had finished the instructor told me that I did it great for being my first time. I was extrimely happy. I really want to go there again. 

My family, my boyfriend and some friends were there to see me "fly". It was such a great experience! 


The parent's organization of the school goes on a trip every year. I went and we were only a small group going to Andorra. 
We left the first of February and we came back the third. We went by bus and the day we arrived we did a snowball war. The next day it snowed all day long. We only had two skirun open because the wind was blowing incredibly strong. The first two hours we had a ski teacher and then we could go on our own until lunch time. After that we could choose between going to the hotel and skiing more. My friend and I chosed to go to the hotel because the weather was horrible. 
During the afternoon we had time to go shoping. I bought a lot of things; Andorra is cheaper than Spain. That night the parents let us stay up until late, we went to the boys room to play cards and we had a great time all together. My friend and I went to bet at 4 o'clock in the morning and the same day we woke up at half eight. We were absolutely dead. We couldn't move from the bed. 
The weather was even worst.. this day the temperature was -17ºC. After lunch we went to the hotel and we packed our stuff. The return was so long, it took us ages to come back here because there was a huge cue. 

We had a great time all together. !!!! Here a picture of everyone who went: 


Gianluca is 18 years old and he will be 19 on the 23rd of June. He's my brother and he's one year and a half older than me. We live together with our parents and younger brother in Empuriabrava. 
In August he will be going to America to college because he got a scholarship. There he will study business administration and he will train tennis everyday. People say that we look similar but I don't think so because he's dark-skinned and I'm withe-skinned, he's quite taller than me, he's rather muscled and fit but I'm not. 

Like I said he's dark-skinned and so he has dark eyes and black short hair. He's quite tall, for some time I used to be taller than him. He's a slim person and he really likes to train his body to be in form. His lips are very thick and he has a huge smile. 
In one hand, my brother, is extrimely sensitive and when something happens to him he doesn't like to talk at all. But in the other hand we can spend many ours lying down on the bed talking about anything. We have our own jokes that only we understand. 
He is quite lazy and he hates tyding his room, he has it full of clothes everywhere and my mum goes mad when she sees it. He isn't a hard-working persons but he's particulary smart and clever so his marks are probably the best of his class. 
He loves sports and he is quite good at tennis; he has been playing since he was four years old. 

I could explain a thousend things about him but the most important one for me is that I love him and I think he is a brilliant person. He's always so cheerful and amusing.
I don't know what I'm going to do next year without him.. I'm going to miss him so much.



To begin I would suggest to any international student to stay with a host family. In the college accomodation there might be too many studients from the same country and they will be talking in their language. Being in a host family obliges you to speak in the country's language.

I believe that staying with a host family, you can always do what you want while living in the college you have to follow a timetable all the time. 

It depends on what kind of student is coming to your house, some families will be more suitable, however, for a student who wants to improve the language of the country they should live in town or in the city centre to have a variety of conversations. 

A host family should have the following things:
- A single comfortable room for the visitor and good transport.
- A host family should, if possible, have meals together at least in the evening.
- People who are sociable and very chatyyy would be the most suitable. 
- The family needs to be aware in the first few days of the visitor's stay, pronunciation and understanding can be difficult.

Finally, I would like to be a host family to know people from around the world. It's nice the way you can meet people like this and the if you get on well you can do an exchange !!

Some pictures of the host family with whome I stayed 

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013


The studies of Disney want that Emma Watson to be the new Cinderella of the new adaptation from the most known book. 

Emma Watson after doing Harry Potter has become a famous actor. I must say it's a good opportunity for her to do such a paper in a movie for children. I think it's going to be a great movie!


Rihanna was interviwed in ELLE magazine and she said she probably will have a baby with Chris Brown because they considere themselves adults and they can do thing right.  
After being back together it seems that their relationship is perfect. They have left behind the fights and trouble. 
Rihanna said that she would like to work with less stress because she wants to form a family with Chris Brown. Chris answered that he wants to have children too. But they both think that it is maybe to soon to be parents yet. And I agree with them because she's only 25 years old and he's only 23. They still have plenty of time to form a family. 

Rihanna is my favourite singer and artist and I completely admire her.  


The new song that is becoming a huge hit around the world !! 

A group of employers did a video dancing this song and they posted it on youtube. When the boss discobered it they were kick out of work.

Here you have a video of the biggest Harlem Shake of the world!


The tennis players Serena Williams, Victoria Azarenka, Juan Martín Del Potro and Rafael Nadal are invited to play in an exhibition in the United States to benefit fundations of children from the third world. 

I love tennis and I always follow the tennis players, I admire professional tennis players. I believe it is a good idea to do this sort of things because tennis is a sport that "brings" a lot of money. I'm sure they will take profit of it. 

Pd: My boyfriend is a tennis player and he is doing a tournement in Barcelona (Cambrils); tomorrow he is playing against the 180 world's player and he is the 1000!! It will be a hard match but I wish him the best.

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013


A baby girl in the US born with HIV appears to have been cured after very early treatment with standard drug therapy. The Mississippi child is now two-and-a-half years old and has been off medication for about a year with no signs of infection. The treatment  was given with only hours of birth and now they have to taste if it  would work for others. If the girl stays healthy, it would be the world's second cured of HIV.

It's incredible the way science has develop in the last years. I considere to be an amazing work to actually cure a baby with HIV. The HIV is one of the illness most known because of the reason to be mortal. So I think it's a great new !


The police have arrested four young men for being guilty of a robbery (in our school).

Two of them were minor, one was still studing in the school and the other one was a previous student. 

Between the days 14 and 15 of February, the "Mossos" have arrested two of them, both of them were from Marroco and they were 20 years old.

The 4th of February they stole many laptops form the INS Castelló d'Empúries.They knew very well the school because they entered by the emergency door and they forced the locker where we keep them. This, made the police think that probably the thiefs were students or students who had been there before.

The 13th of February, the police identify a young men that had a similar laptop as the ones that were stolen. The day after they confirmed that the laptop was from the robbery. 

I believe that it is a very disappointing new because the laptops were very useful and they have forbidden us to use the other laptops that were left.