miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013


When I was reading The Universal Declaration of Human Rights I could realize that most of them are not respected in any part of the world. I wonder why were they invented if people act as if they weren't there. It's so unfair because only rich and "powerful people" can "save" their lifes but people who live in poor countries are condemned to suffer any injustice. 

For example:

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Every year in China men kill their daughters because there are overpopulation and only boys can inherit the land of his parents.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. 
Nowadays it is said that slavery is more common than before.Kevin Bales teacher of Sociology in the University of Roehamptom has made a study and says that 27.000.000 people still live like slavers. 
Obviously the slavery is a different kind from the one before. Those persons don't have any type of salary and they are under the control of someone. They are transported to other countries promising them they will have a better job and salary. But once they arrive to the destination they get worst jobs and they are exploted. 
They can be exploted sexually, forced jobs, organs trade,...

I don't understand how can we live with a relax conscience knowing that in this right moment there are so many people submitted in such conditions. We should do something to change the world but as I said before those who are rich have the power. Still we must manifest in crowds and make them realize that they are wrong and we need to change. 

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