domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


Wert says that if only one parent or a child in the classroom complains about the teacher/other children speaking in Catalan they'll have to speak in Spanish compulsory. 
But it seems like the goverment don't agree with this law and they want him to change it.
What's more obviously Catalan people are against this law, haw can we eliminate a language just like that? It's not necessary for the Spanish people to learn Catalan but at least in Catalonia I think it is the normal thing to do. Teens when finish school they already know two languages for sure. And let me tell you that two languages well known written and spoken actually help to learn others. 
From my pont of view it doesn't have to do with if you are Catalan or not, because I considere myself Spanish but I don't see the point on doing something like that. We aren't hurting anyone for speaking Catalan.

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