martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Women stereotypes

I did the oral presentation with Meritxell Romans and we divided it in equal parts to present it. 
My parts were the following:

"The beauty myth"
The beauty myth exists in our society only because of the gender stereotyping and the constant display of it from the media. The concept behind the myth was designed by men to keep woman distracted and control them through the media.
The beauty myth itself is the unrealistic and unbelievable standards of beauty set by women due to their increasing importance into business and politics.
The myth looks like a joke but it has a vital importance for women.
As many people know, the Barbie doll is one of the first stereotypes that a little girl gets to know, and some girls want to be like their dolls. Is devastating to see the effect of beauty society rules in little women selfconfident.

"Female attractiveness characteristics"
After a research made in EEUU the dream girl comes to be like her: smart girl, dark skined, long and skinny legs, big breasts, beautiful smile, narrow hips,... they are impossible!

To specify a bit more the characteristics are:
-Facial features: the University of Toronto made a study of the ideals facial proportions. Jessica Alba is close to the average famale profile. The face should measure the same from length and width. The nose has to be exacly in the middle and your eyes at half way to the end of the face. To finish from your eyes to the mouth there has to be a distance of a third.

-Body mass: it's a very important factor because is something very visual. Since a few years ago men prefered plumped women. But when Barbie arrived it made a huge change in women minds since they were very young. So it came to be a very slim profile o the perfect girl.
-Skin: there used to be a preference for lighter skined women. But lately the studies prove that dark skinned women are better.
-Eye colour: this study is very curious because it says that brown eyed men have no preferences regarding to the women eye colour.
In contrast blue eyed colour men prefer women of their same colour eye.

"Negatives consequences"
Talking about women, when they feel like they don't fit in or they feel uncomfortable with the group of people that involves them, this can cause very negative consequences such as anxiety, double of difficulties to do a task. In the worst cases it can develop illness like anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders.

In our society stereotypes are learnd at the age between 3-4 years old. One of the biggest influences is the media: adds, TV shows, movies, social networks,... Children start to get involved in a world of manipulation and cheat.

The messages act unconsciously on us and we are receving them every single day.

You can complement the information with the prezi I posted under :

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