domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

A mummy mistery

The Spanish newspaper EL MUNDO finds a coffin from 3.600 years ago, inside there was a mummy from a men about 35 years old of age. This fact took place in Dra Abu el-Naga, Luxor, cemetery where the Spanish arachaeologiste were digging for 13 years alreday. 

The coffin was perfectly, no damage at all. As I said it is from 3.600 year ago and since then nobody has touched it. It has a fabulous decoration from a big artist of the ancian Tebas. It has amazing colours and a variety of signs and draws. It was found in a well of 4 meters depth. The coffin is 2 meters long and before opening they only know that its name is Ned and that he died around 1600 b.C. 
There aren't as many coffins as this one because they only were used for a very short time. It was when Tebas became the kingdom capital.
For the bonds found inside the coffin with good condicions the aracheologists were able to say that the mummy was someone of middle age, between 35 and 45 year old. As the squeleton is in good condicions they might foung the causes of its death.

I remember when I was in primary school (5th year) the teacher made us do a mini-research project about any topic we liked. And I choose the Egypcians. Because I as fascinate with the mummys and the coffins they made for them. I've always though that it is a very interesting and entretainment topic what's more don't you think it is curious?

If you want to see more about it and see pictures you can go to: 



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