domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Self evaluation

To begin my oral presentation was about Vegetarianism because my research project was about the vegetarian diet. It was from last year as I am redoing the year but I improved some things.  When analyzing an oral presentation you have to set some points: 
the presentation, the content, the structure, the body language and eye contact, the language and the pronuntation.

I used the same power point as last year but I tried to eliminate all the words I'd put on it. I wanted to be able to explain to my class mates by heart everything I did in my research project. Honestly? I was very glad of my oral presentation. The structure of my oral presentation was clear and organized. I explained it at the beggining as it showed the index. I wanted it to be short but understandable and I divided it starting with the definition, then I explained what is a health diet and which steps are to be followed, than the types of vegetarianism and finally causes, concequences and conclusions.

In every different page of the power point I put a veggie picture to make it more nice.
Of course I can always be better than last time but I was so happy when I finished my oral presentation that I couldn't see any error. When my mind goes white I get nervous but I always try to say anything that comes to my mind.I try to do my best and at the end of every sentence I try to look up. I learn it by heart and I do it very well at home but when there are 20 persons looking at me I get embarrased. 
To finish up my best is the pronuntation, I have the advantage of being a person who has the facility on catching any pronuntation in any laguage. What's more as you might know I've been living for a year in Ireland and that made my accent brilliant. 

This time I was by my own and as nervous as I am I can say I did a good job !! :) 

Here the link to hear my oral presentation: 

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