domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

One of human's best friends

First of all the topic I chosed is very wide and I focosed it in what do I consider a pet is and my experiences with them. 
Since I was a little kid I have grown up involved with many types of animals. My grandmother had a house with a huge field. There she had three horses, three dogs, a pond with fishes and turtles, a bird, rabbits, cats.. 
I know a lot of animals. Apart from my grandmother house I always had a dog at home, so I could say I don't remember any moment of my childhood without the company of a pet. Basically they have been another member of my family.

My favourite pet is the dog. It is a faithful an loyal animal. His eyes can talk as in you can recognize by his movements what he wants. He's always happy to see you and he never desagrees with you. 
I'd like to highlight that having a pet at home is a very big responsability, I mean they have feelings and they also have their basic needs : food, hygiene, freedom,.. 

To end up, I'm afraid to say that 6 months ago my doggy died. He was very old but he died happily with us and sleeping. It was so sad when my little brother found him and came crying to us explaning the horrible new. 

  My conclution is that I think is very positive to live in contact with the animals, with other words, near the nature.  

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