jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012


Since I was born I have been living in the same place and house in Empuriabrava. I wouldn't chage it for anything.
Empuriabrava is very big, even more if you count the Natural Park of the Aiguamolls that wrappes it. I can tell you that you last 1 hour from one side to the other (walking).
Empuriabrava's population is 8.112 habitants but this number is continuously changing because of the immigration. What's more, we get a lot of turism especially in summer from around the world : Germans, Frenchs, Holands and Russians are the most common ones.
Empuriabrava is famous because we have the biggest marina of Europe with more than 24km of channels, where people have their own boats. In case that you don't have a boat you can rent one and go around the town with it. It is also famous because we have an aerodrome which it's principal activity is skydiving. Every year we get at least 125.000 jumps of parachutism. Last year during summer we did a Record Guiness.    
Empuriabrava is right next to the sea (Gulf of Rosas) and we have two beaches from 1'5km long.
An other important thing is that we have a river : la Muga, that devids the town. In my case I live right next to it and I love it.
My town has excellent views and loads of activities to do. I remember once I heard that the Gulf of Rosas is one of the 50th most beautiful places of the intire world.  

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


Almost 6.5OO children under 14 years old die every year for trafict accidents in South America. 
When I first saw this new I couldn't believe it like we aren't talking about poorness or poor nutrition, illness.. This is just wrong. 
They made a study and thay said that the lowest countries with children death for this reason are: Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Colombia, Brasil and Chile.
Even though the average of children death in those lasts countries is a very high number, 42 children for million of population, compared with Sweden, Spain and Portugal which is 11 children for every million. (I still think is a very high quantity).
According to the inform, if the South American countries would of have teh same rate as the European , every year we would be avoiding 4.8OO children under 14 years old death.
This must stop. 

EGIPT, news

In Egipt they've found the name of a new Pharaon, noone talked before from him. An arqueologist team found it in Luxor, South of Egipt, it is from the XVII before Christ.
His name was King Sen Negt N Ra.
Since I was a kid I've always been fascinated for the pyramids and all their complex : mummies, pharaons,..
I like descovering how they used to live, what did they eat, their ceremonies.. Of course they have some wierd things and that we wouldn't do now a days. But I admire them because I also think they are our past and thanks to them we are here now. They were the firts to descover technics that we use in our daily rutine.
I'm very glad they have found it.
Descubierto en Egipto el nombre de un faraón desconocido hasta ahora


This man is the boss executive of Google, he wants to stop the piracy in Internet with Larry Page and Sergei Brin. 
Eric said in an interview that he agreed with the law 'SOPA' (Stop Online Piracy Act). He said that is uncredible tha way people still information from Internet or how people hang stuff up and then they make a lot of money. 
He remarked that people that do this should be punished. 
Eric also said that for the security of the youngest ones searching information in Internet, he advised that the parents should known the password which they use. 
I agree to this option because it's true that sometimes when you're searching something in Internet you find pages you never wanted to see and for the security of the youngests ones even more, it's very difficult surfing in Internet without finding stupid pages. 


I also like writting in my free time or read sentences that make me think about life and help me to be a better person.
I choosed my favourite ones and I translete them into English. 

-Often, people have a wrong idea of what does growing mean in the inside and iluminate our peacefull life.
-My laugh is my back, and my hapiness is my shield. 
-If you don't have peace in yourself why should you search it in others ? 
-When you'll find a lot of ways in front of you don't chose the simple one, sit down and wait. 
-Try to stop searching people to cover your time. Make those things you love and when you least expectet, you'll find someone special. 
-There's always something new and different to discober .
-Wise people shut up... love is for human... cry is for brave persons.. and apolagize is for humble. 

Then I found some funny sentence:

-Don't go in to the drugs world, we are a lot and there ara only a few.
-There isnt't ugly ladies only strange beauty 
-If a bird tells you that you are crazy you must be, birds don't talk.
-To study is distrust of the intelligence of your friend.
-The intelligence is following me but I'm faster.
-To make a mistake is human but to blame the others is even more human.

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012


"She's not perfect. You aren't perfect either, and you two never will be perfect. But if she could make you laugh at leats once, she makes you think twice, if she admits to be a human and make mistakes, don't let her go and give her the best of you. She won't recite poetry for you, she's not thinking about you all the time, but she'll give you a part of her that she knows you could break. Don't hurt her, don't change her and don't expect more from her that what she really is. Don't analyze. Smile when she's making you happy, scream when she's making you angry and miss he when she's not with you. Love with all her being when you're recieving her love. Because perfect girls don't exist, but there will always be a perfect girl for you. Fight to find her. 

I found this text written in Spanish and I liked so much that I translated it in English. 


The book is about a boy and a girl that fall in love. 
The story starts with the boy who's waiting the summer impatienly. When it came, he went in town to see the tourist and he saw a beautiful girl. The girls once told him to go to the river with her friends but he wasn't having fun with them so he climbed the rocks and he jumped to the river. When he was going out the water the most impressed was her. So they stayed a while talking and then he invited her to go to a party tonight. There he asked her to go out and they spend all the summer together. They discovered new feelings and new ways to love a person.
The guy and his best friend had a hut made from themselves in the forest and it was suposed to be a secret. But he showed to her girlfriend the hut trusting her. One day his bestfriend arrived so worried telling him that the hut had been destroyed.. he didn't believe him but he wanted to be sure that his friend was telling the truth. He took his bike and went to the hut. He heard some voices... when he went in to it he found his girlfriend with her friends and he told her : don't talk to me ever. She wanted to apolagize but he didn't want to listen to her. 
The summer was ending and they were seeing eachother in town but they didn't talk at all. The day before she had to leave she went to his house to say goodbye but he didn't want to say anything to her. So she left crying with the heart broken. 
This is a book I've read three years ago and I really liked. 

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012



T- Hello Eugènia

E- How are you?
T- I'm fine, what about you?
E- I'm fine too, thanks.
T- What have you been doing lately?
E- I was enjoying my summertime!
T- What did you do during summer?

E- I went to Miami beach ans she’s a friend I met there
T- Really? then, nice to meet you.
M- Nice to meet you too.
T- Where do you live?
M- In Miami city center.
T- Do you want to meet some day?
E- That would be cool.
T- Are you free this weekend?
E- Yes. Very much so we could meet then
T- I know a place we could go to

E- Great! I got to go, I'm in a hurry..
T- yes yes! of course, I'll ring you this evening

E- bye bye..
T= Tiziana E= Eugènia M= Eugènia's friend


Well, here my oral presentation.
In my opinion the power point and the work we did at home was really successfull but the thing I did wrong or that I should improve is that I was looking all the time the paper. I should be more confident with myself. I considere that my pronunciation is quite good and that I vocalize very crearly the words. I should learn how to explain things with my own words and being more espontaneous. 

Good morning to everyone we are Eugenia and Tiziana and today our aim is to teach you some interesting things from New York.
We had chosen a few topics because as you must know there are hundreds of things to talk about.

I'm going to start with a little introduction, New York is also known as the “Big Apple” or the “City that never sleeps” and its population is around 8 millions people.
New York it's America biggest business, cultural capital, nation's trendsetter and the most exiting city.
New York is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world it also exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, tecnology, education and entretainment.
New York is one of the world's largest natural harbors and it also consist of five boroughts, each of which consist a state contry: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and State Island.

I will introduce you some places to visit; first of all we have the Brooklyn's bridge above the East River, infront of the City hall. It's teh most important bridge and you last 30 minutes to go from one side to the other.
The Central Park its a huge park next to a very importnat college where most of the studients go there when they finish. It has a small zoo, an ice-kating rink, a theater outdoor, a place to ride horses..
Next we have China Town which is the biggest community of Chinesse people outside Asia.
The World Trade Center or Twins towers, they were the highest buildings of New York. And the second hihghest tower of the world.
You should know it, that the 11th of September of 2001 a group of terrorist stole two airplains crashing against them.
They absolutely destroyed them and caused a horrible desaster.
Following the destruction of the World Trade Center the Empire State became the tallest building of New York. At the top it has a huge anthenna.

The most famous side to visit and important one is the Statue of Liberty. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France and it is an icon of freedom and of the United States.


1- The most typical food in North-America is the fast food because is the kind of food that can be served very quickly. The term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingridients and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-away. Examples: hot-dog, hamburgers, pizza, nuggets, fries,..
Some of the most cummon restaurants are : Mc. Donald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, KFC, Subway..

2- New England clam chowder. It's often served in restaurants on Fridays. Among many types of clam chowders, massachuset one is the most special it is traditionally made with bacon, onion, potatoes, flour and clams.

3- The Apple pie is concidered to be served for breakfast. Lemon juice is usually added to the bottom layer and buttermilk to the topping.

4- Po-Boys. It's a sandwich composed by fried meat or seafood inside. The traditional dish is served hot and includes frie shrimp and oysters.
Besides catfish, roast beef, hot sausage and French fries.

5- Chilli Peppers. Used as food and medicine. The American do not like chilli foods as much as Korean and Chinesse, but peppers are essential ingridients in their dishes.

6- Small oysters used to disappear, therefore oysters farmers had to import Pacific and Eastern oystres to replace them.

7- Fajitas Beef. Is an integral ingridient which makes fajitas great. However, chiken, pork and shrimp are good alternatives. Popular condiments such as tomato, pico de gallo, sour cream, lettuce and cheese are shredded.

8- Pastrami. It is origined by Turkey and introduced to United States in a wave of Jewish imigration. It's usually made from beef seasoned with a mixt of spices such as garlic, black pepper, paprika, mustard seed..)

DRINKS (sugared drinks)
Soda which can be called fezzy drinks too.
The Ice teas, the most cummon one is cold tea with lemon and ice.
Sport or Energetic drinks
Flavored waters
Fruit drinks
Powered drinks

LENGUAGES. In America more than 200 lenguages are spoken.
English is the mother lenguage. All the communication is done in English.
New York has serious communication problemes, especially in the schools because of the major influence since World War II of Spanish speakers from Caribbean region or speakers of South called Black English and more recently, Asian in addition to the ever-present large numbers of speakers of the other lenguages. As a result, schools in some areas have emphasized teaching English as a second lenguage.

The 35 % of the population are immigrants.
As they have so many people from many different places the culture mixes everyday.
The population organizes itself : Republica Dominicana, China, Jamaica, Rusia, Italy, Polon, India and so we can travel to China town, little Italy, little Korea, little India and Spanish Harlem without leaving the city.
The religions are : Induism, Judaism, Muslim, Catholic. There is a community of Judaism were it has the biggest Jewish community.

We have chosen New York because we have never been there and we would like to visit it. There are lot of interesting places and after seeing all the pictures and learnd so many information we defenetly think it's an amazing city and you have to go there at least once in your life.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


Transition year in Ireland is the one which corresponds here with 4th of ESO. 
Trasition year there is completely different from here. I hardly ever did a day of school. They call it that way because it isn't compulsery for them, they can skip it. 
I remember the teachers saying that it's the best year to go abroad, in my case to improve my English. 

Transition year which consists of expiriences, learning ney ways about life. 
We got the oportunity to see work life and do many activities that could change our minds for a future. 
Our head master organized all the activities, excursions, trips.. we have done during all the year. 
For example every Wednesday I used to do horse riding. I was helping people with desabilities to lose their fear. I really liked doing it. 
At the beginig of the year a lawyer came to teach us about law in Ireland. The last day she came we simulate a trial. I also played in the tennis team tournement and in the choir competition. 
I did much more activities and I loved them all. 

The picture was in Dublin, we were in a choir competition. We ended in the 2nd position with the choir group and in the 1rst position with the solo.