viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Miley Cyrus

Miley Ray Cyrus initially known as Hannah Montana from the TV serie of Disnney Channel was a young, cheerful and funny character. She was known as a singer for girl teenagers.  When she grew up and the TV serie finished, she continued singing by herself and she actually made some good songs. What's more she also took part of two famous movies: Hannah Montana and The last song. 
However that is not all her professional work; she is the voice of Penny in the movie Bolt and she also has a character in Sex and the city 2 and she appears in two episodes of Two and a half man. She has been one of the most known singers teenagers (under eighteen years old). When she finished her TV serie apart from all this work she attended to many television performances and she was invited to music festivals. 

When she reached the 18th, she started to have bad influences and her look got complitely changed. Nowadays she has created a lot of controversy for her last actuations. We all had this beatiful, peaceful and respectable image of her but lately it seems that she doesn't respect herself, and if she doesn't who will respect her? She apeared in the music Awards (this year in Amsterdam) nearly naked and smoking a joint. The video of her two last songs are about sex, drugs and drink. In the second one she looks vulgar, she is complitely naked!!! What kind of society are we living in? 

When she had her first interview after this big impact she gave us, she said that she only does it to be famous and she didn't want people remembering her as Hannah Montana the good and cute girly. She only cares about money and she said she prefered people to talk bad about her than nobody talking about her because Hannah is the past and nobody remembers her anymore. 

It's her life and she can do whatever she wants but do we have to permit famous doing this things in public? How come they gain the amount of money they do? 

This is the evololution of Miley Cyrus.

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

The big wedding

(2 weeks before the big day)

OMG!! I still remember how exited I was fo this event. It was the begining of June so it was already warm enough and I didn't have school. I spend most of the days going to Figueres with the bride because her mother lifes there and she was the one sewing the dress. Honestly she did an amazing work and she really made a dream dress. 
The bride has also two kids and I used to take care of them while she had to try on the stuff. At nights we used to stay up untill late in her house choosing and downloading the music for the wedding.

(1 week left ..)

It was actually so stressful, the big day was coming and we still had to shop and go to many places. We went to buy the rings, we got our nails done and our legs waxed. 
The last night before the wedding I spend it wraping the presents for the invited people. 
We had a really nice time together. 

(The big day)

During the morning I stayed at home sunbathing because my dress was without stripes. 
I had bought it long time ago with the shoes and I was given a silver neckless by my dad. 
After having lunch I went to the hair dresser to get my hair curlier. Then I went home because I only had one hour to get ready and go. My boyfriend was the witness of the wedding and he started to be very nervious and that made me go mad! This evening was just perfect because there was no wind, what's more the temperature of the sun was perfect. 
The ceremony started in Roses (Ciutadella). We were a lot of people waitting, I knew most of them. When it got started and the bride was entering I couldn't stop my tears from falling, it was so emotional. After it we took pictures with the couple. Then the closer friends were invited the Hotel Montecarlo to have the apperitive and dinner. The others went home and got ready for the party which was later.
I was sitting in the main table with the couple and during the dinner we had a lot of surprises. The food was delicious but I ate too much during the apperitive that I wasn't hungry anymore by the time we got dinner.  
After having finished dinner we all went to another room. There was a Dj and the party was waiting to us!! We ate the cake, the couple danced the ball and I made a video of pictures from the wedding of everyone who had been married in the room (which took me ages to work it out). 
At half past three in the morning a boat was waitting for us and we went to Cadaqués to see the dawn. Don't you think it was a quiet ride we had very loud music and everyone was so energetic. 
When we arrived to Cadaqués some had a bath in the sea (my brother did) and then when the sun was about to come they put romantic songs like My heart will go on from Titanic and I was so glad to be with my boyfriend. 
Then the service in the boat made us breakfast and it all went away everyone was starving!
We arrived again at eight o'clock in the morning I was dead tired so was everyone and I can tell you I slept for the hole day !!!

I will never forget this day! I leave some pictures ( the last one is already on the boat) 
I hope you enjoy it :) 

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

"A psychiatric center is a house of torture"

This new is from La Vanguardia a Catalan newspaper and I read it in the psychology class and it kept my attention. 
It was about a woman who was send to a psychiatric center because obviously doctors though that she was crazy. But she had this inteview and it's quite funny because she actually says things about society that are so true.
First of all she doesn't understand why she had to had a tag under the same illness of others in the center. She thinks everyone should have a tag not only people with illness. 

Her friends send her to the hospital when they saw her talking to Janis Joplin and Camaron. And she still thinks that is something so normal. She thinks her madness is produced by the medical treatments she is set to. What's more she says: "There are a lot of people who are fucking crazy and without medical treatment. However they lead newspapers, TV shows, banks, countries, football clubs... 
She also complains about the maner they treat ill people, they are like rubbish and always left behind. She explains that the only thing doctors do is eliminate their emotions; like this they won't disturb them. 
All this ill people take pills and the Goverment pay the Pharmacist industries for them. "What a business", she says; they put this treatment into children like this they will be buyers until they die. 

To end she says that crazyness is only for people who dream alive and I agree so much with her!!!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Silly joke

<div class="ab-player" data-boourl="" ><a href="">listen to &#x2018;Tizi&#x2019; on Audioboo</a></div><script type="text/javascript">(function() { var po = document.createElement("script"); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();</script>

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Who can talk?

Did you know about the experiments about chimpanzees? 

Kanzi is a Bonobo male from 31 years old who was born in Lorel (University of Emory), then he was moved to the Research Center of Languages in the University of Georgia. 
I actually come across this new in the psychology class, I though it was a nice topic to talk about. 

In short from the video we saw in class we can conclude:
Kanzi could communicate with someone who wasn't present (by phone call). And he recognized the voice after a few days.
He understads the concept of a promise and wants the people to make it happen.
He recognizes the feeling of being guilty and he has the hability of empaty.
He knows how to play with fiction; a brother of him has a mask of a monster and he runs away from it; just to play and for fun.
He also has the hability to planificate how to solve a problem and to find solutions. What's more he is able to make tools by him self.
He understands the order of the sentences when talking and the grammar.

In the video we could see all this and to communicate of course he didn't speak. He always had with him a machine which contained about 200 words. Everytime he pressed a button of it the machine would pronunce the word Kanzy meant. 

I found this curious and interesting to explain. We do know that chimpanzees are the most similar animal to us but I don't think everyone is aware about their capacities and the things they can do. 
If you want more information go to:

An informal letter to a friend...

Hi Jan! 

How are you doing? I'm gald you wrote to me.
I must say that the summer job I did last year was unreal! I couldn't have been as happier as I was. Of course I had bad days and boring ones but I could always find the way to make it amusing.

I will make a list for you of everything I did. To begin with they made me do some office work although to be honest, it was boring and I didn't really learn anything. Those days I only had to answer the phone and make coffees. However after a while I found the way of making my day more fun: I imagined that I was a very important business person. I also talked to the others who were working there and they were so nice to me. 
After a few days I realized that I was making good money. The day they paid me for the first month, I remember I already fitted in with the people.

They made me feel at home and the manager of the festival told me that it was a pleasure to work with someone like me; so I got very motivated.
Soon I got to do some elementary translation and I dealt with interesting enquiries from English visitors so overall I had great practice. What's more I got a few free visits to the festivals so I had plenty of time to enjoy the music and I even got to know some of the musicians. It was a magic feeling.

I promise you it was the best job I will ever do! I hope it has been helpful for you. Contact me if you want to know anything more.

Talk to you soon, best wishes

My lovely summer

This summer was a special one, I did plenty of things.

First of all as I knew I was going to redo the last year of school I finished before. So I had four full months of summer. The first month (June) I profited to go to the beach and sunbath. In July I had the plan to go to Turkey but as you must know Turkey was having some dangerous and violents protests. In the end I wasn't allowed to go and I decided to invite the guy who I was going to Turkey with over to my house for a week. 

As I live in Ampuriabrava news go so fast through people mouth and they all knew I wasn't going to Turkey anymore. Suddenly I had a call for a job as a waitress in a restaurant. I though about it and I knew that if I didn't take the work I was going to be very bored being at home every day. I started the first week of July and I was working from 11:30 to 15:30 and from 19:30 to 24:30 or 1:00 depending on the work. It was a French restaurant ( Creperie Abri Breton), most customers were French so I was happy because I could practise my French, the others were Spanish, Catalan and a few English. If I have to be sincere I ended up dead every single day from working! It was the most tiring thing I ever did! What's more I went by foot every day because I love walking and it was only half an hour far from my house ( 2 minutes by car). 
I only had two mornings free and one of them I was asked to do English classes at the tennis club to children aged from 4 to 8 years old. As I liked children so much I accepted and I had great fun with them. It was my first experience as a techear by myself.
Talking again about the restaurant; I was the only waitress, the boss was always there but she would rather stay talking to the customers than working. When the work was crazy we used to call the daughter's boss to come and help. In the kitchen there was the son and the husband's boss, I was in the middle of a family. They treated me so good! and at nights I went to parties with the son.

When August arrived, I couldn't stand it anymore: the two works, the parties, the hot weather which made me tired... So I decided to ask my boss if it was possible to finish work earlier than we had accorded. She told me only if I could find someone to replace me, which I did. My plan was  to go to Ireland for ten days. I was invited to go to the Debs from my old school. It is a tradition and it's a shame we don't do it here. We had our nails, hair and make-up done by a hair dresser. I already bought my dress before going there in Adolfo's Dominguez shop. It was so emotional because I saw all the people and teachers who went to my class three years ago. We all stayed in an hotel. We had dinner and we danced all night long. The next morning was very sad because we had to say good bye.
During these days I also went to visit my old school and it brought me such nice memories.

When I came back to Spain from my little holidays, I spend most of the time with my boyfriend and for the first time a member of his family (his uncle) came to visit him (from Argentina). We decided to go for a few days to Barcelona, I wanted to show him the capital city and how beautiful it is.  

To sum up my summer; it was very complex and I enjoyed it so much. I leave you some pictures of it... I hope you liked this post.

Women stereotypes

I did the oral presentation with Meritxell Romans and we divided it in equal parts to present it. 
My parts were the following:

"The beauty myth"
The beauty myth exists in our society only because of the gender stereotyping and the constant display of it from the media. The concept behind the myth was designed by men to keep woman distracted and control them through the media.
The beauty myth itself is the unrealistic and unbelievable standards of beauty set by women due to their increasing importance into business and politics.
The myth looks like a joke but it has a vital importance for women.
As many people know, the Barbie doll is one of the first stereotypes that a little girl gets to know, and some girls want to be like their dolls. Is devastating to see the effect of beauty society rules in little women selfconfident.

"Female attractiveness characteristics"
After a research made in EEUU the dream girl comes to be like her: smart girl, dark skined, long and skinny legs, big breasts, beautiful smile, narrow hips,... they are impossible!

To specify a bit more the characteristics are:
-Facial features: the University of Toronto made a study of the ideals facial proportions. Jessica Alba is close to the average famale profile. The face should measure the same from length and width. The nose has to be exacly in the middle and your eyes at half way to the end of the face. To finish from your eyes to the mouth there has to be a distance of a third.

-Body mass: it's a very important factor because is something very visual. Since a few years ago men prefered plumped women. But when Barbie arrived it made a huge change in women minds since they were very young. So it came to be a very slim profile o the perfect girl.
-Skin: there used to be a preference for lighter skined women. But lately the studies prove that dark skinned women are better.
-Eye colour: this study is very curious because it says that brown eyed men have no preferences regarding to the women eye colour.
In contrast blue eyed colour men prefer women of their same colour eye.

"Negatives consequences"
Talking about women, when they feel like they don't fit in or they feel uncomfortable with the group of people that involves them, this can cause very negative consequences such as anxiety, double of difficulties to do a task. In the worst cases it can develop illness like anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders.

In our society stereotypes are learnd at the age between 3-4 years old. One of the biggest influences is the media: adds, TV shows, movies, social networks,... Children start to get involved in a world of manipulation and cheat.

The messages act unconsciously on us and we are receving them every single day.

You can complement the information with the prezi I posted under :

Obama's speech !

Dear, Sònia
It's great talking and sharing this things to you.

Hi, I'm Tiziana and I'm 17 years old. Last year things didn't go as I expected and now
I'm redoing the last year of high school. I don't really think it's a waste of time because from now on I still have a whole year
to think about what I really want to do and it is also another year of experience.

At the moment my very first goal to reach is to end high school successfully. I have started motivated and I hope it lasts.
If I focuse my life in a few years from now I actually don't see anything clear. But I know for sure that I will be studying languages and
hopefully (if I have the way to earn some money) travelling a lot.

Obama's speech on the one hand is helpful for those people who are unmotivated, who may want to give up, who may think that their problems are the worst, those people who don't mind about the future of their own nation. However, as Obama says (and it's my favourite quote):
"every single one of us have something to offer and we have the responsibility to discover what it is".
On the other hand Obama's speech encourages you to make it possible through any hazard. And it makes you trust yourself.

To end up I would like to say that I want to make proud all the people around me who have been all this time supporting me and helping me to do my best. This year is a second chance for me and I know this time I will succeed.

I hope to hear from you soon!!!! 
All the best,

Is humour important? Is laugh necessary?

What would we do if we didn’t have humour in our worst moments in life? Do you think the world would be more pessimist? Would the society be more depressive? 
In our view humour is compulsory necessary day by day, minute by minute. Is obvious that people aren’t happy the 24 hours of a day but is important to try to forget about problems and look the good sides of things. That’s why life would be boring without laughs.
 -To begin with a good day the first thing we should do is do something that you like, something that makes you in a good mood. You can always remember something that made you laugh the day before. Therefore not everything that you do in a day is enjoyable but you have to be positive and take it easy.
 -Furthermore in your free time it’s essential to look into things we can remember forever such as spending time with your friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, watching TV shows like two and a half men, who I met your mother Bib bang theory, modern family or ridicule business and so on.
 -When you feel like doing nothing, you don’t want to see anyone or go anywhere; you need laugher more than anything, someone with a good sense of humour to make you laugh with its owns jokes.
 -To sum up, the best of a bad day happens when you come across a person who can make you laugh even though you don’t feel like it.
 As a conclusion we both thing that smiling should be compulsory for everyone of us. Because when we smile life seems to be easier and happier. When you laugh you can see the world  less worst than it is. Our advice is to laugh, smile and be happy all the time even you think is not worth it.
This is a compatition from Meritxell Romans and I.