martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Description of a soulmate for me

A soulmate is someone who you find once in your life. When you meet your soulmate you feel it, there is a special connection, different from other times you might have though you have fall in love. 

Firstly my soulmate should be taller than me. He should have dark skin and bright eyes. I usually don't like blonde guys. He should be attractive at a first side with a big smile and fercet white teeth. He should also be fit, I like boys who love doing sports so he can teach me whatever he can do. I'm not saying I like boys with huge muscels because I don't.

However, a part from the physical outlook, the most important thing is his personality. My soulmate should be a sensitive guy with real feelings and emotions. Someone who I could trust on, someone who I can explain all my problems and I felt like he was my shelter. I need someone who I can communicate with because it is necessary to explain everything and to understand each other. My soulmate should be my motivation and strengh everyday to keep smiling and wanting to reach my goals. I want someone who can always support my decitions.

What's more one of the most important virtues is honesty. How can you trust someone if there isn't honesty between you and your couple? There has to be confidence in a relationship otherwise I wouldn't be able to trust on someone. As well as honest, he has to be kind, generous, cheerful, responsible, passionate and funny, with a good sense of humor. In addition my soulmate should be a crazy person who likes trying new things as I do. Someone patient because I can be irritating sometimes. And of course a romantic guy because I just love romantic guys, don't ask me why. 

In conclusion, I want a guy who knows me better than I do. I want someone who makes me happy everyday and who makes me feel full of love.  Someone who I want to fight for and someone who is willing to leave everything for me. 

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

A soulmate for me

A soulmate is that person who makes you feel perfect. A soulmate is someone who has the ability to make you smile even if your day is bad. A soulmate is someone special and someone who won't find twice in your life, if you are lucky once only.

To begin with I consider I already found my soulmate. We have been together for 3 years now and we have known each other for 5 years. When you fall in love with someone you feel it, it's something amazing, something that makes you feel full. But you might not feel it from the first moment. In my particular case I felt a connexion and then day by day I started to feel more and more excited. It's like an addiction I need it and I couldn't resist without it. 

On the other hand we have been through a lot of different moments and sometimes we had a time off the relationship. However, what proves that we are in love is that in the worst times when we didn't talk we both felt that without the other one we couldn't continue. 

My soulmate knows me better than I do. He knows when I'm having a bad day just by glanding my face. He knows me by heart. Still knowing the worst side from me he keeps staying with me and as he is si shy I keep pushing him to communicate a bit more. Because without communication there's nothing. And of course the way he looks it's important but not as much as the other vitues. 

To sum up a little bit everuthing, a soulmate is that person that isn't perfect but being together with you makes everything perfect. I always say that a soulmate has to have the qualities you are missing so that together you fill up the missing parts of the other making a perfect couple. 

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Self evaluation

To begin my oral presentation was about Vegetarianism because my research project was about the vegetarian diet. It was from last year as I am redoing the year but I improved some things.  When analyzing an oral presentation you have to set some points: 
the presentation, the content, the structure, the body language and eye contact, the language and the pronuntation.

I used the same power point as last year but I tried to eliminate all the words I'd put on it. I wanted to be able to explain to my class mates by heart everything I did in my research project. Honestly? I was very glad of my oral presentation. The structure of my oral presentation was clear and organized. I explained it at the beggining as it showed the index. I wanted it to be short but understandable and I divided it starting with the definition, then I explained what is a health diet and which steps are to be followed, than the types of vegetarianism and finally causes, concequences and conclusions.

In every different page of the power point I put a veggie picture to make it more nice.
Of course I can always be better than last time but I was so happy when I finished my oral presentation that I couldn't see any error. When my mind goes white I get nervous but I always try to say anything that comes to my mind.I try to do my best and at the end of every sentence I try to look up. I learn it by heart and I do it very well at home but when there are 20 persons looking at me I get embarrased. 
To finish up my best is the pronuntation, I have the advantage of being a person who has the facility on catching any pronuntation in any laguage. What's more as you might know I've been living for a year in Ireland and that made my accent brilliant. 

This time I was by my own and as nervous as I am I can say I did a good job !! :) 

Here the link to hear my oral presentation: 

Why is black chocolate healthy?

It sound too good to be right but cience has discovered the reason why black chocolate is healty.
The first reason is because it helps to restore the flexibility of arteries. The second is because it avoids that lukocyte get sticked on glassblood walls. This two reasons are the most important thing in atherosclerosis.
They have innovate a new black chocolate which contains flavanol and it effects the flavour and so the addiction. 

I am personally addicted to chocolate and knowing this is not good for me because I know I will spend the rest of my life eating chocolate with the excuse that is healthy. 

If you want to discover more about it go to:


A mummy mistery

The Spanish newspaper EL MUNDO finds a coffin from 3.600 years ago, inside there was a mummy from a men about 35 years old of age. This fact took place in Dra Abu el-Naga, Luxor, cemetery where the Spanish arachaeologiste were digging for 13 years alreday. 

The coffin was perfectly, no damage at all. As I said it is from 3.600 year ago and since then nobody has touched it. It has a fabulous decoration from a big artist of the ancian Tebas. It has amazing colours and a variety of signs and draws. It was found in a well of 4 meters depth. The coffin is 2 meters long and before opening they only know that its name is Ned and that he died around 1600 b.C. 
There aren't as many coffins as this one because they only were used for a very short time. It was when Tebas became the kingdom capital.
For the bonds found inside the coffin with good condicions the aracheologists were able to say that the mummy was someone of middle age, between 35 and 45 year old. As the squeleton is in good condicions they might foung the causes of its death.

I remember when I was in primary school (5th year) the teacher made us do a mini-research project about any topic we liked. And I choose the Egypcians. Because I as fascinate with the mummys and the coffins they made for them. I've always though that it is a very interesting and entretainment topic what's more don't you think it is curious?

If you want to see more about it and see pictures you can go to: 



sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

KEYSTONE: The big bomb of carbon

Nowadays the president of the United States of America is going to take part in an important enviromental decission which is going to say a lot of his post. He is going to approve or deny the construction of a giant pipe to carry 830.000 barrels, (160 litres each barrel aproximateley) of the most dirty petrol of the world, from Canada to The USA. 

This project is going to help earning millions of dollars to a few compannies while it is going to send out millions of tones of carbone dioxide to our atmosphere on the other hand.
If we protest against it we can stop this toxic plan.

John Kerry the responsible of exterior relationships in the USA has oppened a popular referendum.He knows that his decission is very important for the United States to demostrate that it is ahead of the fighting against the climate changing process.
In my opinion we could join our voices to protest against this polluting plan.

To the President of the United States, Barak Obama, and to the Secretary of the States,John Kerry:
"We, critizens of the world, feel strongly motivated when Secretary Kerry said that the enviromental destruction was the most powerful weapon against the world and he engaged the fight against it from the USA. It depends on his decission the success of his position of lidership to protect our planet. The world is asking him to act now"

You can read more about it in:


Using Botox

In Hollywood most actresses use botox to improve their physical appearance, or what's more they test cosmetic surgery until they become slaves of social aesthetic.
It might be an empty mind the one that only cares about physical body care. I can understand that it is very difficult to be one of the most beautiful actresses and being choosen by importnat directors in successful films.

Although the most intelligent option would be choosing a healthy life with sport, food and pure oxygen and being good at what you love. In this case: acting.

On one hand we must accept that time runs and that wrinkles are the proof of wisdom, and on the other hand society and fashion patterns press us, women, to keep as young as possible.
What I really think is that the true beauty is inside, in your personality and character. People, womenmust believe in what they are, not in what they look alike. 

I would like in this short article to critisize the Princess Letizia for being so pretencious and arrogant in the fact of looking for physical appearence perfection. She's been offensive in my opinion for the use of surgery to improve her image. Sh'es been choosen by a prince with her genuine, what else can she expect from her new image?

To end I want to say that simplicity is  a very important quality of beautiful women. It's a kind mixture of qualities, is what you are.

If you are keen on the article you can read more about it in:
