domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


Well it's true that I'm on the end of 2nd Batxillerat but next year as I said in another post I'm redoing the year because there are some subjects which I find very hard to study and I didn't pass them. 
To be honest I think my English was better when I first arrived here because I had just arrived from Ireland. I had more facility to speak and I didn't need to think before talking. I still feel very fluent in English but it isn't the same. I considere that my best oral presentation was the first one I did. I talked about Ireland and the year I spent there. I wasn't nervous because I still didn't know my class mates. I knew my English was  really good and I didn't even need to study. 
But then as I got to know my other class mates I got more shy talking in front of them. 
On the other hand with the written stuff I have to say that I'm better now than before. When I was in Ireland teachers didn't teach me how to write properly. Obviously people of my age already knew how to write. When I was in class I listened to the teacher and sometimes I had to pick up notes depending on the subject. However here in Castelló d'Empúries I learned how to write an essay correctly. We have a photocopy with all kind of text and next to it the structure, grammar, vocabulary,... that we need for each one. I guess my writings are more accurate now. 
As the time passes, I read books in English, I watch original version movies, I keep in touch with some good Irish friends. All this helps me to keep my English in a good level. 


Nowadays facebook is known all over the world. More than 2 millions people have an account on facebook. I'm one of them. 
I use facebook to keep in touch with friends from other places that I'm not able to see. I have people from Ireland, from England, from Italy, France, Mexico, Argentina, USA, etc... 
I like puting up some pictures of a night out with friends, of my holidays or for a specail occation. I also have teachers from the three differents schools I've been. Sometimes I don't understand people who say I don't want to have facebook because I don't want to put my prived life online. There is no need to put your prived life on it if you don't want to. There's no need on puting up pictures of you. Anyway, there are 2 things that I don't like about facebook. 
The first one is seeing girls younger than me puting pictures nearly nacked. And I have to say that they aren't only younger than me; sometimes there are older too. 
The second one is seeing pictures of abused children or animals. I'm not saying that we don't have to be against it but there is no need on puting horrible pictures. What's more today I saw a shoking picture of a car accident with a motorbike where you could see a child and a man dead laying on the floor wiht blood all over them. Do we really need to see this things? It's ok if they post a comment saying what happened but no a horrible picture like that. 


Wert says that if only one parent or a child in the classroom complains about the teacher/other children speaking in Catalan they'll have to speak in Spanish compulsory. 
But it seems like the goverment don't agree with this law and they want him to change it.
What's more obviously Catalan people are against this law, haw can we eliminate a language just like that? It's not necessary for the Spanish people to learn Catalan but at least in Catalonia I think it is the normal thing to do. Teens when finish school they already know two languages for sure. And let me tell you that two languages well known written and spoken actually help to learn others. 
From my pont of view it doesn't have to do with if you are Catalan or not, because I considere myself Spanish but I don't see the point on doing something like that. We aren't hurting anyone for speaking Catalan.


Since last summer they have tried to put paying parking. And this year they have acquired. But the population is very angry with the town hall. People say that this is going to make tourist away. People who have locals like restaurants, pubs or shops say that it's so unfair. Because noone will go then because of the paying parking. My mum says that we won't be driving with the car in Empuriabrava. We'll have to cicle or walk. This is another way of stealing money and people won't saty with their arms crossed this time. There are a lot of gossips going around that people will break the machine or that they will ignore it. 
I think it's stupid because it's so unfair for the people who live here like me. I'm lucky that we don't live by the beach or in the center. But I can imagine Saturdays cars all over Empuriabrava first of all because it is market day and second because it is the day of changing apartment. I can already see cars parking anywhere and a huge mess in the center. 
Something that I have very clear is that noone from my family will pay a euro for this.


Every year, in June, with the ballet school we do a show during two days on the theater of Rosas.
I've been dancing since I was 3 years old. First I went with a French old woman but she was really strict and my mum didn't like this. When I turned 6 I changed school even though all my friends stayed on the other school. Since then I have been on the same school until now. 

My teacher is very young and she is from Barcelona. She also used to dance in famous shows and so. 
Apart from dancing on the theater of Rosas we also go to Figueres and Perelada to dance. 
This year we are dancing Vivaldi "The 4 seasons" and the Moulin Rouge. Right now we are working very hard on Fridays because we have the show on the 8th and 9th of June.
The clothes we have to wear are very expensive. I have to dance 7 dances so you can imagine.

I hope to keep on dancing when I will be older. 


In about one week an a half (more or less) I'm finishing "segon de batxillerat"which is the last year of high school. But it didn't turn up as I espected so next year I will redo it. I'm not that sad or agry with me because I couldn't see myself in college yet. I still feel so young. Even though I know that next year I will have to study very hard to pass the exams. I'm not like my brother, he doesn't need to study, he already knows everything by listening. I need concentration, focus and relax because I get nevous very easily. 

I would also like to emprove as much as I can my English and get the Advance and try to get a higher mark on the IELTS. Because last year in Ireland they asked you for a 6.5 and I only got a 6. I wish I could study in Ireland again. I feel like it's my place. 

Finally I will train very hard for my ballet show.  


On the 15th June I'm invited to a wedding with my boyfriend. My boyfriend is a tennis player and his trainer is the one that is getting married. He already has two children which I baby sit sometimes. The ceremony starts in Roses at 19.30 (Ciutadella) and then we move on to the Hotel Montecarlo of Santa Margarita. On the terrace we will have an appetizer followed by the diner. Then the presents, the dances,.. 
After this, we will go to a boat, at 3.30 approximately, to see the dawn. I talked to the woman getting married which is friend of mine and she told me that there are invited 100 people. It is going to be amaizing. 

I already bouht my dress; it is red, strapless and a bit short. I am going to wear it with black high ills and a black bag too. My dad gave me a silver neckless which will look fabulous with it. 
I still don't know which hairstyle I'm going to wear because my boyfriend and the bride don't like me with straight hair. 


This summer I wanted to work so a few weeks ago I started to make my Curriculum Vitae. When I finished, I gave out them to places where I though it was interesting to work like hotels, campings and supermarkets. After a week I had done all this work I got a call phone from the director of an hotel. The next Saturday I went to a work intervew because he was interested in me. I was so nervous, but everything went perfect. He asked me some questions and then he told me I was in.
I was so happy ! 

I'm starting the 1st July and finishing the 31st August. I will be taking care of the mini-club they have. Children from 6 to 12 years old. I have a programme with the activities I will be doing with them each day. For example: pool games, hockey, recycling workshop, beach, children party, handicraft... I have an intensive timetable; I work from 9 o'clock to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00h. 

It's not my first time working with children. Last summer I was working on a tennis camp during the day and at night time I did baby sitting. 

On the other hand my host family from Ireland has invited me to go Turkey for the summer holidays. Big deal, now I don't know what to do. 

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


United Nations Human Rights Committee                                                                         98ªMontseny Road

                                                                                                                          Catalonia(Girona- Empuriabrava)
3rd of April 2013
Dear Sir/ Madam,               

I am writing inn order to claim that I am very disappointed with the Global system. I can hardly say some countries that now a day can live in peace. Human Rights were created for this, to live in an equal world, in fact, the result is not the one pretended. I am sure you will agree with me that in the planet we live noone is equal in any sence. From my point of view we need a change. However, this change has to make a huge hit to the hole world. We need somethingdifferent, something that everyone can be aware of.

I am a  girl from Spain and two weeks ago I saw link that made me so sad: my country has one of the biggest companies from selling weapons in other countries where the children are used as soldier. How can we say : "I do not want war" if we are the ones that give the material to kill persons. How can we be so hypocrites?
Selling weapons should be forbidden everywhere. We shouldn't fight for things, that is not the way you understand people...have you ever though of talking to them? 

In short we really need to do something, we can not stay with our arms crossed and letting rich people manipulate and steal us. Speacially for the polititians.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.                                               Yours sincerily, Tiziana Muscolino 

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013


It's one day to start Wimbledon and today we have Roger Federer the top tennis plyer ever, in life.

-Welcome Federer to our programe... so tell us how do you feel one day before starting this big event?
-Hi and thank you for these words. Well.. to be honest I'm not nervous at all, I still have a lot of things to think of before my first match.
-Wow, it's incredible you know, loads of people admire you because it looks like you don't even get nervous playing or two minutes before going on court.
-Ha, ha, ha.. yeah I know. Everyone asks me the same. I guess it's just practise and practise. I've learned to really concentrate myself and to look normal during the match. The fact is that I do get nervous haha.
-Oh! It's awesome the way you do that. Does it get difficult to create a family being a tennis player?
-Well, huh, I think I already reached the top and had my best time being a tennis player. Now I want to focus more in my two daughters and my wife.
-Oh! that's sweet! But are we going to see you on court?
-Yes! of course you will, tennis is my passion...
-Thanks for this brilliant moment with you Roger, I'm afraid we have to finish now. Thanks again and good luck with the tournement.
-Thank you, thank you, bye bye...


Did you know that obesity is one of the principal illness of children? If I were the president instead of stealing money I would care about the health of my country.

Firstly, I would oblige any product that contain transgenic, sugar, fat, colorants, etc to put a health warning like in tobaco.

Seondly, I guess with the nfluence of schools and food they offer to buy there, children badly taught. In schools I only see fast food. Have you ever thought of putting a fruit machine?

Thirdly, I know that it's important to make advertisement but I usually see advertisments of fast food.

Some time ago I remember that on TV they made an advertisement and, what's more, a programe where they showed what diet should a child follow to be healthy. Those things are positive and great for the population.

To sum up I totally agree on putting health warning like in tobaco to avoid obesity an other illness on people.